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Client Testimonials

"Just wanted to say thank you, tool came and worked great." C. Fazio, New York



"Got the tool today.  It took about 3 min and the water pump popped right off.  I cannot tell you how impressed I am.  You all did a great job.  I am really proud of my special tool, and I can't wait to show it off." M. DeGeorgis, South Carolina



"Just wanted to say you ROCK.  After getting the tool at 1PM EST today, it literally took me four minutes to remove the water pump!  That is an awesome tool." T. Carlson, Georgia 



 "It worked great.  The pump was frozen until it cleared the housing.  I think it would have been one of those horror stories if I hadn't used your tool."  

D. Akimoto, California



"WOW! What a magnificent tool!!  Received the tool today and within minutes of arriving home the water pump was history.   Anyone that owns a BMW is crazy not to buy this tool."  R. Hiron, Australia



 "Thank you !  The puller worked great. The right tool for the job."  T. Will, Hawaii



"Worked great had the pump out in 5 minutes, a real life saver thanks again"  

Pep Boys GM, California 



"What a work of art!  And before the tool - wouldn't budge an iota; with the tool, maybe 3 minutes, smoother than warm butter, with no bits left behind.  Couldn't be happier!"  K. Southard, Marooned at a hotel in Anaheim, CA

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